Tag: humor

  • A bag of Avocados

    A bag of Avocados

    I was working on an article on the US presidential elections for another website earlier today and made an offhand remark that if the Democrats nominated a bag of Avocados for the presidency that California would faithfully line up and vote for it.  And then it hit me – a bag of Avocados would actually be…

  • The do’s and don’ts of online dating, from a newlywed.

    Almost 2 years ago now I wrote a humorous (well, I thought it was funny…) blog post on taking a data-driven approach to dating.  In that post I promised to write a follow-up if I had success.  Since I got married in July, I guess it’s about time I keep that promise!  So here’s a…

  • Are you driving like a Jerk?

    A quick quiz: Do you consistently tailgate people and use your brights to blind and intimidate them to force them out of your way? Do you change lanes without signalling and make a habit of cutting people off in traffic? Have you ever crushed and mangled a motorcyclist by swerving into him or her or…