Category: Life

  • How to succeed in Technical Sales… and Life

    How to succeed in Technical Sales… and Life

    In the last month I’ve been reviewing and revising the job description for Sales Engineering (SE) at work as I work on expanding my team here. These guidelines form a sort of code of honor that I try to adhere to as a professional and outline what I look for in potential team members.  They…

  • Updates!

    Howdy folks, A few random news points and general updates. The first thing is I want to shout out my new article that went live this week on Revzilla – it’s the first of a 4-part series I wrote on the State of the Electric Motorcycle that includes interviews with Zero Motorcycles, Mission Motorcycles, and…

  • A place with a view

    Molly ran down the dirt road, squealing with delight. She felt as though if she went any faster her body would break gravity’s hold and she’d be able to soar off into the sky.  She jumped and spread her arms wide imagining it, before landing knees bent and then springing forward again. Look at me…

  • New post up on Revzilla!

    My first article for Revzilla’s new online magazine just went live!  It’s 7 things I wish someone had told me as a new rider and marks my first time being published writing on something other than technology so I’m all smiles.  I’ve mentioned Revzilla before as a great company that really understands Social and the…

  • Opportunity Cost

    I’ve been looking to buy a house here in Oakland and the whole experience is a bit surreal.  I’ll save you the blow by blow, but looking at home values, school rankings, and the OPD’s crime map; a few things jump out at me. Firstly, people talk a lot about crime in Oakland but looking…

  • Learning to fly

    Today is Ride to Work day so I wanted to share the story of how I started riding a motorcycle. I have always loved motorcycles and I’ve never felt really comfortable on 4 wheels.  I rode a bicycle everywhere through my teens and most of my 20’s and didn’t really start driving a car until…

  • Stories

    I’ve done a lot of writing over the years but the form has shifted.  I wrote hundreds of songs and poems throughout my 20’s, then a bunch of technical writing and blogging on the tech industry for work starting in 2010, and now I find myself writing a lot of short stories for practice setting…

  • Career advice for my younger self

    Career advice for my younger self

    2008’s The Incredible Hulk is – by far – the weakest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it has a few good lines. One of them is when the antagonist declares to General Ross that if he could take the knowledge and skills he has as a forty year old and put that into…

  • Doing the Math on Online Dating

    Online dating can be frustrating with an endless string of people who just… aren’t quite right. So I sat down and did the math to find my 1 in 15 million.

  • We have walked this road before

    Some days it’s hard to get up for all the sad. But maybe pain can be a learning experience, yeah?

  • Going Electric

    I love my motorcycles – the roar, the lean, the sense of freedom, and the way lanesplitting across the San Francisco Bay Bridge every morning forces me to focus on NOW instead of thinking about everything I have to get done during the  day.  Commuting on two wheels turns my morning into an adventure and…

  • Culture and Opportunity

    I’m kind of a radical.  I say “kind of” because I’m fairly sure that at 32 my days of living in treesits and getting teargassed at endless pointless protests that don’t change anything are pretty much over.  But I learned a lot along the way and these days I tend to see those lessons or…