Author: Jed Wheeler

  • Tacos!

    Tacos!!! She said the word like it was the ultimate answer and within it he could find any truth he might seek. Her eyes shone with laughter at the look on his face and he smiled back. He hadn’t been sure about being a father and still lost sleep most nights worrying about whether he…

  • Sunshine

    Grey clouds still obscured the sky but the day was finally getting warmer, and about time too!  After months of a spring that felt more like winter, John was ready for a little sunshine.  The weather forecast all week had been sunny but so far the clouds had managed to maintain their grip on the…

  • Stories

    I’ve done a lot of writing over the years but the form has shifted.  I wrote hundreds of songs and poems throughout my 20’s, then a bunch of technical writing and blogging on the tech industry for work starting in 2010, and now I find myself writing a lot of short stories for practice setting…

  • Career advice for my younger self

    Career advice for my younger self

    2008’s The Incredible Hulk is – by far – the weakest film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it has a few good lines. One of them is when the antagonist declares to General Ross that if he could take the knowledge and skills he has as a forty year old and put that into…

  • Doing the Math on Online Dating

    Online dating can be frustrating with an endless string of people who just… aren’t quite right. So I sat down and did the math to find my 1 in 15 million.

  • We have walked this road before

    Some days it’s hard to get up for all the sad. But maybe pain can be a learning experience, yeah?

  • First Impressions

    I’ve been thinking a lot about Google Glass lately.  There are a lot of naysayers, as with any new tech, but I’m really hoping they’re able to pull off a successful launch.  Unfortunately, Google has a long track record of not giving their new releases the support and rapid iteration that’s required at the beginning of the…

  • Going Electric

    I love my motorcycles – the roar, the lean, the sense of freedom, and the way lanesplitting across the San Francisco Bay Bridge every morning forces me to focus on NOW instead of thinking about everything I have to get done during the  day.  Commuting on two wheels turns my morning into an adventure and…

  • Doing it Right

    There’s no shortage of people who claim to be experts on Social media. I have several family members who think that because they waste time on Facebook means they’re qualified to list “Social Media” as a skill on their Resumes. Not trying to be mean here folks, but no. It doesn’t. Social Media, as experienced…

  • Culture and Opportunity

    I’m kind of a radical.  I say “kind of” because I’m fairly sure that at 32 my days of living in treesits and getting teargassed at endless pointless protests that don’t change anything are pretty much over.  But I learned a lot along the way and these days I tend to see those lessons or…

  • Facebook Search is here

    I wrote about this a few months back, but as of today it’s (sort of) live – Facebook Graph Search is now in limited Beta testing: So what’s the big deal? This is search customized on the Facebook graph so instead of searching for widgets, news, photos, etc and getting a list of everything…

  • Data is King

    Back when I was in college studying Political Science I spent a lot of time (or at least a lot more then I expected going into the program) studying statistics and data.  In retrospect that was a good thing.  Knowing how to get reliable data from focus groups, how to write a survey and avoid bias…