Author: Jed Wheeler

  • Ooonh

    Oooonh Ooonh Ooooonh Oooonh! Oooonh Ooonh Ooooonh Oooonh! Oooonh Ooonh Ooooonh Oooonh! Oooonh Ooonh Ooooonh Oooonh! The heavy repetitive sound of synth bass came thundering through the floor and try as he might Charles could not tune it out.  Earplugs didn’t help, he could still feel the vibrations in the pit of his stomach churning…

  • Slaying Dragons

    Hi Robin, Please do not set up your purchase events so every individual purchase creates a new uniquely named event.  That would break everything.  Or at least lots of things.  There’s at least a 5% chance it would cause the extinction of some unspeakably cute animal that has thus far eluded modern science.  Stars might…

  • Super

    The line for the movie stretched around the block but Annette was giddy with excitement.   She had been waiting for years for this film and was in full fangirl mode.  Better yet, Matt had agreed to come with her, even though he wasn’t a fan of the comic.   As the clock struck 11 with just…

  • Peachy

    The riots had been going on for days and, while Mo disliked the new government as much as the next guy, he was getting tired of living in a war zone.  Every wave of protests brought a wave of repression and new deaths, spurring another wave of protests.  The air was crisp and sharp –…

  • Opportunity Cost

    I’ve been looking to buy a house here in Oakland and the whole experience is a bit surreal.  I’ll save you the blow by blow, but looking at home values, school rankings, and the OPD’s crime map; a few things jump out at me. Firstly, people talk a lot about crime in Oakland but looking…

  • Learning to fly

    Today is Ride to Work day so I wanted to share the story of how I started riding a motorcycle. I have always loved motorcycles and I’ve never felt really comfortable on 4 wheels.  I rode a bicycle everywhere through my teens and most of my 20’s and didn’t really start driving a car until…

  • Perfect

    A bright green water bottle lay on its side on his otherwise immaculate desk, lid off.  The laptop was almost certainly fried – he hadn’t been fast enough to stop the water from getting into it. Perfect.  Absolutely f—ing perfect. The real danger of course with wet circuitry isn’t the water itself – it’s the…

  • What to track in your Mobile App?

    Brand new blog post up on the HasOffers corporate blog! Acquiring users costs money and keeping them is hard. Every app has some amount of churn but how much and under what circumstances depend entirely on you and the experience you’ve created. Since it’s impossible to measure uninstalls – on all three mobile platforms uninstalls…

  • Jacob

    Jacob was having a great day. One of those days that you look back on for years and remember as a perfect moment of happiness. After months of thinking and planning about how to ask Katy to marry him he’d just blurted it out as he drove her to work.  To his great surprise, the…

  • 10 Rules for Startups

    10 Rules for Startups

    I was hiking with a good friend from a previous company this last weekend and we got to talking about some of the things we’d both learned over the last few years of working in tech startups.  I mentioned that I’ve put together a list of rules that for me determine whether I think a…

  • An Open Road

    I’ve always found the freedom of the open road to be both terrifying and liberating. It was the first thing he’d said in hours and it startled her out of her own thoughts. They had been driving for 2 days straight now and barely spoken a word, each of them intent on leaving their old…

  • Dishes

    When she came into the room he was staring into the mirror with a look on his face like a kid who’d dropped their ice cream into a mud puddle. Just look at me!  Yellow teeth, flabby gut, going bald in the back.  I’m a complete mess.  If I was a girl there’s no way…